Customer Experience conference in NZ

Next week I’m presenting at this conference.

With the US and Europe groaning under the weight of web-focused User Experience conferences, it’s refreshing and encouraging to see this offered in New Zealand.

I’ll be sharing some experiences from a home-grown design research project.

From what I can gather I’ll be the only researcher presenting and I’m hoping to demonstrate the versatility as well as the value of design research.

Maybe I’ll see you there?

4 thoughts on “Customer Experience conference in NZ

  1. Nick Post author

    Thanks Ken. It will be interesting to see the type of crowd that this attracts. I was given a list of the job titles attending and more than half have the word ‘customer’ in their handle.
    Sounds promising.
    …come to think of it, I might even be a customer of some of them?

  2. Blair keen

    Hey Nick,

    Do you plan on sharing your presentation online at all? Maybe a video or with Slideshare?

    I’m an ex-pat Kiwi working as a UX and Conversion Consultant for a company called Foolproof in the UK. It would be great to see the NZ perspective to compare and contrast if possible.

    In any case – I hope it went well.

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